
      Pathtable используется, чтобы определить явную маршрутизацию на отдаленные главные ЭВМ или сети. Файл pathtable должен быть в синтаксисе pathalias-стиля, сортируемом в алфавитном порядке. Два поля на каждой строке должны отделиться реальной МЕТКОЙ ТАБУЛЯЦИИ.       Большинство систем не будет нуждаться в любых входах pathtable.

      #=============== /usr/local/lib/mail/pathtable ================
# this is a pathalias-style paths file to let you kick mail to
# UUCP neighbors to the direct UUCP path so you don't have to
# go the long way through your smart host that takes other traffic
# you want real tabs on each line or m4 might complain
# route mail through one or more intermediate sites to a remote
# system using UUCP-style addressing.
sesame!ernie!%s        ernie
# forwarding to a system that is a UUCP neighbor of a reachable
# internet site.
swim!    swim
# The following sends all mail for two networks through different
# gateways (see the leading '.' ?).
# In this example, "uugate" and "byte" are specific systems that serve
# as mail gateways to the .UUCP and .BITNET pseudo-domains respectively
#           .UUCP
byte!          .BITNET
#=================== end of pathtable =======================